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History of DepartmentHistory: The Deparment of mathematics as part of the Inter Arts Course started along with the inception of Jai Hind college in the year 1948-1949.Prof. Balwani who was a founder member and Vice Principal was the first HOD. Mathematics at the TY level was revived in the year 1996. Some of the highlights since 1996 are: |
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FacultyMathematics Department Jr College Staff
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SyllabusXI Science Paper – I 1. Trigonometric [ Angle & its measurement , Identities , Compound & multiple angle , Factorization formulae , Properties of triangle , Inverse trigonometric function ] 2. Plane Co-ordinate Geometry [ Locus & shift of origin , Straight line – equation of line , Angle between two lines , perpendicular distance & family of lines ] 3. Vectors [ Introduction & definition of vectors , Algebra of vectors & product of vectors ] 4. Solution pf Linear Equation of One & Two Variable 5. Determinant [ Determinant of order 3 (expansion & properties) , Application ] 6. Matrices [ Definition & types of matrices , Algebra of matrices ] 7. Statistics [Measures of dispersion , Bivariate frequency distribution ] Paper – II 1. Sets , Relations & Functions [Review , Power set , Cartesian production , Relations , Functions ] 2. Logarithms [ Laws of logarithm with proof , Change of base , Numerical problems ] 3. Complex numbers [(a + i b) form , algebra of complex nos. , square root of Complex nos. , Argand diagram ] 4. Quadratic Equations [ Nature of roots , sum & product of roots , formation of quadratic equation , Symmetric function of roots & cube root of unity ] 5. Sequences & Series [ G.P , H.P , A.M , G.M & H.M , Series ] 6. Permutation & Combination [Factorial notation , Fundamental principle of counting , Permutation & Combination ] 7. Mathematical Induction & Bionomial Theorem
[Principle Mathematical Induction & its application
Binomial Theorem for n 8. Limits [Algebraic limits & trigo. Limits ] 9. Derivatives [Definition of derivatives , Derivatives of sum , difference , multiplication & Quotient ] 10. Integration [Definition of integration , Rules of integration a. b. c. d. If
XII Science Paper – I 1. Mathematical Logic [Statement & logical connectives , Statement pattern & logical equivalence , & Application of logic ] 2. Matrices [Inverse of a matrix , Solution of linear equations ] 3. Vectors [Collinearity & co-planarity of vectors , section formula , Scalar triple product , Application of vectors ] 4. Three Dimensional Geometry [ Direction cosines & ratios , Line & Plane ] 5. Linear Programming Problems [Linear programming problem , Simplex method ] 6. Probability [Types of events , Addition theorem , Conditional probability & Probability distribution of a random variable] 7. Pair of Straight Lines [Pair of lines passing through origin , Pair of lines not passing through origin] 8. Circle [Definitions , tangent & normal ] 9. Conics [Equation of conics , Tangents & Normals ] Paper – II 1. Limits & Continuty [Standard limits, Infinite limits , Continuity of a function at a point, Algebra of continuous function , continuity on interval ] 2. Differentiation [Derivative of first principle , relation between continuity & differentiability , composite function , inverse function , log function Implicit function , parametric function , second order derivative] 3. Application Derivatives [Geometric applications , rate of change , rate measure , approximation & Maxima & minima] 4. Integration [Infinite integrals , Definite integral] 5. Application of Definite Integration [Area & Volume ] 6. Differential Equation [Formation of differential equation , solution of first & first degree differential equations , Application of differential equation ] 7. Numerical Methods [Finite differences , Interpolation , Numerical integration ] 8. Boolean Algebra [Boolean algebra as an algebraic structure algebra , Principle of duality , Boolean function & Switching circuits & Application of Boolean algebra to switching circuits] XI Commerce Paper 1 (1) Sets , Relations & Functions [ Revision of sets, subset, Union, intersection, Compliment of set Definition of power set, ordered pair, Cartesian product of two sets , Relation & Functions, Domain, Co-domain , Range, Types of Functions, Composite Function, Inverse function. Graphs of sin x, cos x, tan x, | x |, ex ,e-x , log x ] (2) Logarithms [ Laws of logarithm with proof , Change of base , Numerical problems ] (3) Complex Numbers [ Introduction , Definition, Real and Imaginary parts, Modulus of complex Number. Complex conjugate of complex number. Algebra of complex numbers.] (4) Quadratic Equations [ Nature of roots , Sum and Product of roots , Formation of Quadratic Equations, Symmetric functions of roots. Cube roots Unity ] (5) Trigonometric [ Angle & its measurement , Identities , Compound & multiple angle , Factorization formulae , Inverse trigonometric function ] (6) Determinant [ Determinant of order 3 (expansion & properties) , Application ] (7) Plane Co-ordinate Geometry [ Locus & shift of origin , Straight line – equation of line , Angle between two lines , perpendicular distance ] Paper II (1) Partition Values [ Quartiles, Deciles, and Percentiles for ungrouped and grouped data. ] (2) Measures of Dispersion [ Range, Mean Deviation about Mean, Median Mode, Quartile Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance ] (3) Moments [Moments about ‘A’ raw moments and central moments. Relation between raw moments and central moments. Relation between moments about ‘A’ and central moments Sheppard’s correction for central moments.] (4) Skewness & Kurtosis [ Introduction of skewness, positive, negative skewness, Karl Pearson’s Pearsonian, Bow1ey’s oefficient of skewness. Introduction of kurtosis, types of kurtosis and coefficient of kurtosis.] (5) Bivarite Frequency Distribution & Correlation [ Tabulation of Bivariate data, frequency distribution, conditional and marginal frequencies and correlation ,Scatter Diagram, Covariance, Karl Pearson’s correlation coefficient , Spearman’s Rank correlation ] (6) Permutation & combination [Factorial notation , Fundamental principle of counting , Permutation & Combination ] (7) Probability [Types of events , Addition theorem , Conditional probability ] (8) Random Variable & Probability Distribution [Probability Distribution , expected value and variance of random variable. Probability Distribution of random variable:Probability; mass function, probability density function; Cumulative distribution] (9) Commercial Arithmetic [Commission Brokerage, Discount, Present worth, Sum Due, Discount, Insurance, Meaning, Premium, claim, loss, Policy value, Property value.] XII Commerce Paper 1 (1)Mathematical Logic [Statement & logical connectives , Statement pattern & logical equivalence , & Venn – diagram ] (2) Matrices [Algebra of matrices , Inverse of a matrix , Solution of linear equations ] (3) Limits & Continuty [Standard limits, Infinite limits , Continuity of a function at a point, Algebra of continuous function , continuity on interval ] (4) Differentiation [Derivative of first principle , composite function , inverse function , log function Implicit function , parametric function , second order derivative] (5) Application Derivatives [approximation , error , increasing & decreasing function , Maxima & minima] (6)Integration [Infinite integrals , Definite integral] (7) Differential Equation [Formation of differential equation , solution of first & first degree differential equations , Application of differential equation ] Paper 1I (1) Theory of Attributes [ Dichotomy, order of classes and class frequencies, Relation between class frequencies, Conditions for consistency of data, Independence of Attributes & Association of Attributes ] (2) Regression Equation [Definition, meaning and types of regression , Method of least squares, lines of regression (3) Numerical Methods [Finite differences , Interpolation , Numerical integration ] (4) Probability Distribution [ Binomial distribution & Poisson distribution ] (5) Linear Programming Problems [Linear programming problem , graphical method ] (6)Assignment Problem & Sequencing (7) Vital Statistics [ Measurement of mortality & life table ] (8) Index Numbers [ Types & construction of index numbers & cost of living index numbers ] |
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